Special Edition EP
Produced by: Produced by Radio Bremen, Executive Producer: Lyn BeardsallDirected by: Robert Garofalo
Type of release: Footage of the Kinks' "Beat Club" appearences on German TV
Release information:
Date Label Number Country Format Running Time ---- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------------ Nov 11, 2002 Classic Pictures Entertainment DVD6085X UK DVD, PAL, all regions 12+ minutes Apr 8, 2003 Ventura Distribution US DVD, NTSC, all regions 12+ minutes
Liner Notes:
Special Features- Pop-Up DVD (the same four Kinks tracks with "pop-up" info)
- Previews (of other artists in the EP DVD series)
- DVD Jukebox (advertisements for other Classic Pictures DVDs)
Waterloo Sunset (1967)
Mr. Pleasant (1967)
Plastic Man (1969)
Muswell Hillbilly (1972)
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