Review - 12 July, 1995, House of Blues
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 13:41:08 -0700From: John Purlia
Subject: House Of Blues 2nd Night
I haven't seen anyone post information about the second night at the House Of Blues (July 12th) so I'll toss off some notes:
From the LA Times review of the first night, as well as posted set list of the third night, it would appear that the set list vaired considerably over the three night stand -- I hope these shows were recorded for posterity, because it would make a marvelous package!
Songs not mentioned previously include:
- Autum Almanac (Ray solo acoustic)
- Do It Again, both solo and electric with the band
- With the whole band:
- State Of Confusion
- Living On A Thin Line
- Dave guitar solo including riffs from Gallon Of Gas and others
- Harry Rag (Ray accapella)
- House of Blues Blues -- The music was Mannish Boy, but the lyrics seemed to be made up on the spot about playing at ther house of blues. When the song was over Dave looked into the crowd and said, "What the hell was that?"
- Celluloid Heros (as one of the encores)
Other songs from what looks like the standard set list:
- Well Respected Man (Ray)
- Stop Your Sobbing (Ray)
- 'til the End of the Day
- Low Budget
- Death of a Clown
- Come Dancing
- I'm Not Like Everbody...(Dave & Ray)
- Sleazy Town (enough already!)
- Lola
- All Day/Night
- Victoria (encore)
- YRGM (2nd encore
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