The Lighter Side of Dialysis, Volume 2 [English version]
Le côté léger de La Dialyse, Volume 2 [French version]
Author: Cartoons by Peter QuaifePublisher: Jazz Communications, Ltd., Toronto, Canada
Publishing Date: 2005
0-89401-00-8 (English version)
0-89401-01-6 (French version)
Misc. Stats: 6.25" x 6.25", 48 pages
Jacket notes:
What Readers had to say about The Lighter Side of Dialysis, Volume 1
"These cartoons are delightful! Many thanks to Peter Quaife for this book. I am
sure that his humour rings true for many fellow dialysis patients. I love it! We
should never take ourselves too seriously!"
- Maryanne Nardi, RN., CNeph (c), CDE, Little Current, ON
"What a delight! I have been on dialysis for two years and have often said
we need to find more humour in our situation. Peter's book provides it. Put me
on the list for Volume 2!"
- Gerry Crouse, patient, Gatineau/Aylmer, QC
"You have no choice but to play the hand you are dealt with. Mr. Quaife's book
so complements this outlook with its insightful and hilarious cartoons. We
impatiently await Volume 2 and beyound to help us make light of what could so
easily become a nuisance and a depressing regimen."
- Bryan Neale, husband of dialysis patient, London, ON
"We have just received a shipment of The Lighter Side of Dialysis Volume 1
and we all love it. It is hilarious! The patients, doctors and managers are
all having a great day because of the smiles created by this book. Can't wait
for Volume 2!"
- Rhonda Reimer, Clinical Coordinator, Yellowknife Dialysis Clinic, Yellowknife, YK
"I think these cartoons are wonderful for patients, their families, and all staff in
the nephrology profession. What a great outlook Peter has! Keep the cartoons coming --
I think they will brighten up anyone's day."
- Geraldine Selkirk, RN, BN, Winnipeg, MB
"This book confirms that there is such a thing as dialysis humour. The patients
and their families are enjoying the book tremendously. The staff love it too. We can
hardly wait for the next volume!"
- Janice Verch-Whittington, Clinical Manager, Nephrology, Renfrew Victoria
Hospital, Renfrew, ON
Ordering info:
This book was only distributed to dialysis clinics in Canada, and not sold to the public.
E-mail Dave Emlen