Several times in the past various people have sent in various image files along with their post. I usually would keep them up on my web page for a week or so and then get rid of them. I've decided to put them up on the KPS site members page so they'll be able to be seen for as long as the site is around.
Each link will go to the original posting which will then have links for images.
UKMONKS (4/8/98) [Digest 855] Chris Brady
Japanese edition of the reissues (6/24/98 & 7/7/98) [Digests 916 & 923] Hiroshi Uchida
Painting the Kinks (9/23/98) [Digest 977]
KinkyMania (12/19/98) [Digest 1042] Hiroshi Uchida
Dave photos (6/16/99) [Digest 1171]
Paul Mamolou
Ray image from Boston
newspaper(9/13/01) [Digest 1641] via