The Kinks Kronikles


John Mendelssohn


Quill, A Division of William Morrow & Co., New York, NY

Publishing Dates:



ISBN 0-688-02983-3

Misc. Stats:

5.5" x 8.25", 208 pages

Jacket notes:

For more than twenty years--longer than any rock group in history except the Rolling Stones--God's been saving The Kinks. From dedicated followers of fashion. From demon alcohol. From vengeful governments. And mostly from each other.

Alternately marked by intramural brawling and inexplicable banishments, transcendent brilliance and shameless pandering, emotional collapses, punch-ups and sellouts, scandalous affairs and utter discretion, drunkenness and cruelty and failed attempts at fratricide, altruism, and greed, The Kinks' long history is among the most fascinating in rock. And no one's better qualified to tell it than the compiler and annotator of the classic album The Kink Kronikles.


John Mendelssohn is a songwriter and author of Paul McCartney: A Biography. He is a regular contributor to The Los Angeles Times Book Review and to Record, and writes a monthly column for Creem. He lives in Los Angeles.
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